Σάββατο 3 Απριλίου 2010

PostHeaderIcon Face Constructed II How To Paint Portraits And Faces

2 ώρες με video για εκμάθηση γυναικείου πορτρέτου στο photoshop χωρισμένο σε 13 κεφάλαια.
I Front View Portrait Painting
01) Color palette explain in depth.
02) Establishing lines and blocking in values.
03) Skintones and color temporatures.
04) Painting face using color combination, balance cool and warm.
05) Painting hair and finishing up a portrait

II Profile Portrait Painting
06) Drawing and blocking in values.
07) Establishing skintone and values.
0Cool Balancing cool and warm, blending, soft edges and hard edges.
09) Painting dark hair and finishing up.

III Three Quarter View Portrait painting
10) Establishing construction lines and base colors.
11) Arranging features, shapes and forms. Also dealing with light hair (blond)
12) Blocking in, arranging colors and values, using soft edges and hard edges, blending.
13) Painting hair and finishing up the portrait.

14) How to paint skintone variations.

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